Emotional System Regulation
Revitalize Your Belief System
When we talk about emotions many, not all, go to the negative side of emotion. Could this be because we do not wish to feel those negative emotion? So, what do we do with them?
Some suppress them, refuse to look at or feel them, pretend they do not exist or some other means of avoiding. And how long can we do this before it affects us mentally or physically?
What if there was a way to:
assess our emotion before they happen
detect our beliefs that hold emotions captive
reveal hidden assumptions and concepts in our thoughts
realize in the here and now, the factual truth
balance the instability of our emotional system
optimally regulate our emotional system in the moment
How many times in your day are you thrown off balance by something unexpected? Would you like to walk through that experience more balanced and in control?
Do you have preconceived notions of how your day should go and get upset when it does not go the way you want it to go? How would it look to be able to navigate your day no matter how it shows up to you?
Do you wonder why your have bad days? What if you have a choice and input into how your day flows?
What thoughts are directing you throughout your day? Who is in charge of those thoughts? What can help guide your thoughts?
So many questions I know. Questioning and inquiry are what supports you in evaluation and choosing your actions in life. Which is what this series of classes will provide for you.
Tools we will use:
*Meditative Journeys * Journaling * Experiential Interactions * Informative Content *God Source Divine Guidance
Potential Fulfillment:
clear understanding of your emotional guidance system
recognize the difference between emotion and beliefs
capacity to align your thoughts
ability to interpret your past truth from present truth
interpret the language of your body sensation in relation to emotion
the proficiency in eliminating the “auto response” to lack beliefs
the comprehension of vibration, momentum and frequency of emotion and how to use it efficiently
It is with great joy that Jeanne is offering this series to those who are ready to develop these skills more deeply and richly.
Dates: May, 14, 28 & June 4, with a bonus event on June 11.
Time: 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Location: Caring Hands, 427 Vermillion St., Hastings MN
Zoom Potential: if enough interest (contact Jeanne at jllecher@protonmail.com)
Cost: $96 for all 3 & attend the bonus event on June 11 free.
Payment via: cash & check in person or Venmo @Jeanne-Lecher
Note: Requirement to attend all 3 events to maintain the integrity and the best interest of the collective group. Thank you for honoring everyone in the container of the class.
RSVP: * Your Intent to Commit and Participate to:
Jeanne Lecher via - jllecher@protonmail.com or text 651-338-9813
Share: Feel free to share this with others. The more the merrier.
About Jeanne:
Jeanne has a vast history that includes: nursing, massage therapy, reflexology, many energy healing modalities, a modality called whole soul presence, quantum healing, death doula, sound healing and her own SoulBody modality. We will leave it here as the list could go on.
Her passion is to empower people to optimal health and well-being in the balancing of their body, heart and mind. She treats each person from the lens of wholeness.
She is the creator and owner of The SoulBody Network since 2014 which has grown through word of mouth over the years. Jeanne offers zoom events, live classes and events, as well as retreats to places like Mount Shasta, Maui, Arkansas and more.
Another of Jeanne’s passions is her love of learning new things which keeps her offerings fresh and always cutting edge.